Diamond Head Seafood Wholesale, Inc.

Diamond Head Seafood Wholesale, Inc.

Distributor, Exporter, Hospitality / Catering, Importer, Manufacturer, Processor, Restaurant, Retail / Grocery, Trader, Wholesaler
HI, United States
Contact Information

Diamond Head Seafood Wholesale, Inc. focuses on providing its diversified local market with premium quality seafood. The company specializes in importing and exporting quality fresh and frozen seafood on a global scale, giving its customers the selection and quality they deserve.

Diamond Head Seafood Wholesale initially began in 1993 in a small office that overlooked Diamond Head near Kewalo Basin. The business quickly grew, and the company relocated to its new facility in downtown Honolulu. This facility is in an ideal location that is central to the fish auction, piers for the fishermen, airports and businesses. Diamond Head Seafood services a range of customers including supermarkets, food service, and restaurants, as well as serving military service members and their families. 

The company is doing its part to become environmentally responsible too. Diamond Head Seafood supports local and national sustainable fisheries and is exploring the use of photovoltaic panels to generate its own electricity. With the educated seafood professionals on staff, Diamond Head will continue to meet customers seafood needs while providing excellent customer service.

    Sustainability Partnerships
    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership
    Total Species
    Total Sources
    Sources Posted

    Distribution Regions and Business Locations

    966 ROBELLO LN
    Honolulu, HI 96817-4545
    United States
    966 ROBELLO LN
    Honolulu, HI 96817-4545
    United States
    • Online
    • USA - All
    • USA - California
    • USA - Hawaii
    • USA - Mid Atlantic
    • USA - Midwest
    • USA - New England
    • USA - Pacific Northwest
    • USA - Rockies & Southwest
    • USA - South Atlantic
    109 Results: Viewing 1-25 Seafood Products
    Seafood Product Origin Harvest Method Sustainability Rating
    Albacore Tuna
    USA - Hawaii
    Deep-Set Longline
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Almaco Jack
    USA - Hawaii
    Submersible Net Pen
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Atlantic Salmon
    Chile (ASC)
    Open - Net Pen
    Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
    Atlantic Salmon
    Australia (ASC)
    Open - Net Pen
    Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
    Atlantic Salmon
    Canada (ASC)
    Open - Net Pen
    Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
    Atlantic Salmon
    Faroe Islands (ASC)
    Open - Net Pen
    Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
    Atlantic Salmon
    Worldwide (BAP 3/4-star)
    Marine Net Pen
    Seafood Watch: Unrated
    Bigeye Tuna
    USA - Hawaii (Western Central Pacific)
    Deep-Set Longline
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Blacktail Snapper
    USA - Hawaii
    Seafood Watch: Unrated
    Blacktail Snapper
    USA - Hawaii
    Handlines and Hand-Operated Pole-and-Lines
    Seafood Watch: Unrated
    Blue Marlin
    USA - Hawaii (Including vessels landing in California)
    Deep-Set Longline
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Bluestriped Snapper
    USA - Hawaii
    Handlines and Hand-Operated Pole-and-Lines
    Seafood Watch: Best Choice
    Chinook Salmon
    New Zealand
    Marine Net Pen
    Seafood Watch: Best Choice
    Coho Salmon
    USA - Washington (Coastal Rivers)
    Drift Gillnets
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Coho Salmon
    USA - Washington (Puget Sound)
    Drift Gillnets
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Coho Salmon
    USA - Washington (North of Cape Falcon)
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Coho Salmon
    USA - Washington (Puget Sound)
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Coho Salmon
    USA - Washington (Puget Sound)
    Purse Seine
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Coho Salmon
    USA - Alaska (MSC)
    Drift Gillnets
    Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
    Common Octopus
    Unassessed Origin
    Unassessed Fishing Methods
    Seafood Watch: Unrated
    Crimson Jobfish
    Unassessed Origin
    Unassessed Fishing Methods
    Seafood Watch: Unrated
    Deepsea Red Crab
    Unassessed Origin
    Unassessed Fishing Methods
    Seafood Watch: Unrated
    Dungeness Crab
    USA - Alaska
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Dungeness Crab
    USA - Alaska
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
    Dungeness Crab
    USA - California
    Seafood Watch: Good Alternative